Category: Basketball Page 4 of 5

Winter Sports Update – Thursday, February 4, 2022

There will be no practices until further notice.

We are pleased that the COVID numbers are coming down across the state, but the county numbers are not yet within the range allowed for Special Olympics activities.  So, probably as no surprise, there will be no practices until further notice.  This would be no team basketball, no basketball skills and no snowshoeing (of course, we’d prefer snow for that anyway.)

Also at this time, we have to admit that we are uncertain whether we will be able to start swimming this month as we normally would.  With COVID numbers still up and we are waiting to hear from Brown Deer school about what new guidelines they have put into place since this latest surge.  There are also SOWI guidelines about crossing county boundaries with differing county COVID numbers.  Sorry, but assume no swimming practices until we pass on the word that we are good – when we can, we should be back on Tuesday’s at Brown Deer High/Middle School.

Hope for the best – we hope to continue in this trend towards improvement.

Winter Sports Update – Thursday, January 27, 2022

The COVID numbers are, thankfully, going down but, unfortunately are not yet at a level for SOWI to allow for practices, etc.

So there will be NO practices for at least one more week – no team basketball, no basketball skills, no snowshoeing. So earliest maybe Monday February 6th. Watch for another update next Thursday.

And, following the trend, there is NO team basketball competition on February 7th as had been scheduled.

Please stay healthy and safe – for yourself and family and friends

Winter Sports Update – Thursday, January 20, 2022

Based on SOWI COVID protocols and supplied information, the entire Region 8 (and all of the state) have COVID numbers higher than acceptable for Special Olympics practices or activities.

Therefore, there will be NO practices (team basketball, basketball skills, or snowshoeing) for at least another week.  The earliest possible date would be Monday, January 31st.  We will hopefully have updated information a week from today.

There is NO team basketball invitational the end of this month. We will pass on any information as soon as we have received it.

Please stay healthy and safe – for yourself and family and friends

Winter Sports Update – Thursday, January 13, 2022

Based on SOWI COVID protocols and supplied information, the entire Region 8 (and all of the state) have COVID numbers higher than acceptable for Special Olympics practices or activities.

Therefore, there will be NO practices (team basketball, basketball skills, or snowshoeing) for at least another week.  The earliest possible date would be Monday, January 24th.  We will hopefully have updated information a week from today.

There is NO team basketball invitational the end of this month. We will pass on any information as soon as we have received it.

Please stay healthy and safe – for yourself and family and friends

Winter Sports Update – Monday, January 6, 2022

Based on SOWI COVID protocols and supplied information, the entire Region 8 (and all or most of the state) have COVID numbers higher than acceptable for Special Olympics practices or activities.

Therefore, there will be NO practices (team basketball, basketball skills, or snowshoeing) for at least another week.  The earliest possible date would be Monday, January 17th.  We will hopefully have updated information a week from today.

There is NO team basketball invitational the end of this month, but it is still possible for the February 6th date.  Again, we will pass on any information as soon as we have received it.

Please stay healthy and safe – for yourself and family and friends

Happy New Year and a Reminder

Hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season.

Remember that we are still not holding any basketball practices the week of January, 3, 2022.

Watch for an update after the 6th.

Brandon Sprewer Classic

The Brandon Sprewer Classic was held on Saturday February, 8th and Sunday February, 9th at Vincent High School. Thanks to Dennis Cherne for the pictures.

Regional Team Basketball – Homestead High School

Sunday March 1, 2020

In order by schedule 
BARRACUDAS (Div. 2)9:00am – Court 311:00am – Court 2 (championship)   OR 11:00am – Court 3  (consolation)
CHARGERS (Div. 17)9:00am – Court 611:00am – Court 5 (championship)   OR 11:00am – Court 6  (consolation)
 SHOOTING STARS (Div. 9)1:00pm – Court 43:00pm – Court 1 (championship) OR 3:00pm – Court 4 (consolation)
RED RAIDERS (Div. 5)1:00pm – Court 23:00pm – Court 2 (championship)  OR 3:00pm – Court 3 (consolation) 
STING RAYS (Div. 12)5:00pm – Court 27:00pm – Court 2 (championship) OR 7:00pm – Court 3 (consolation)
FIRECRACKERS (Div. 13)5:00pm – Court 67:00pm – Court 5 (championship)  OR 7:00pm – Court 6 (consolation)

District Basketball Skills Competition

A number of our athletes John B, Lori F, Dylan S, Melissa K and Kari S. participated in the District competition.

The competition was held at Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School in Jackson. The event was very well organized with many volunteers. Our athletes were able to move through the skills stations fairly quickly.

The bleachers were full throughout the competition. Many on hand as athletes received there awards.

Congratulations to John B, Dylan S and Kari S. They move onto the State Competition in Neenah on Saturday March 21, 2020. Wish them well.

Basketball Skills Competition

When: Saturday, 22 February 2020

Where: Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School 3399 Division Rd., Jackson, 53037

Competition starts at 11:00am and is expected to be over around 2:00

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