Congratulations to all!  You did yourselves proud.  Great playing and great sportsmanship.

The softball team, Sparks, took first place and will advance to the state games.

The bocce team, Tabbies, played well and we are proud of them, but they do not advance.

The bocce team, Tuxedos, also played well and did a great job.  They took 2nd place and were selected in the lottery, so will advance to the state games.

So – mark July 30th-31st on your calendars.  The above teams along with those swimmers and track athletes who are also advancing to state.  Bocce, softball, track and swim competition at state will be on both days, so keep both days free.  State is at Carroll University in Waukesha, and we will send out schedule as soon as they are available.

Good job all!

Linda & Kevin