Congratulations to all athletes who competed at the April District Swim or the May Regional Athletic competitions.  Everyone did their best effort and we were proud of all.

The delay in sending out results has been predominantly based on the fact that we wanted to be able to report on who is advancing to the State Celebration Games on July 30-31st in Waukesha at Carroll University.  (Tennis, bocce and softball state games are the same weekend)

With the quota system, we are generally unable to have all that qualified advance to state; we are limited in the quota number that we receive.  Sometimes we can request – and get – additional quota, sometimes not.  And that’s what happened this year.  We received extra space for swim, but not for track.  The names listed below are advancing to the state games and will continue to attend the practice sessions thru the end of July.  The athletes who competed, but for whom we are unable to take to state, should choose their preferred summer sport = some do bocce, some do softball, and maybe even tennis.

Swim – the athletes who are entered for the State Celebration Games are: John Avery; Lynn Carus; Yan Chen; Christine Cherne; Cooper Collins; Brian Glenn; Carrie Krutina; Melissa Krutina; Jacob Nowak; Jennifer Onufrock; and Kim Raatz.

Athletics/track – the athletes who are entered for the State Celebration Games are: Michelle Buchanan; Tim Canaday; Creed Grams; Cathy Hanin; Matthew Hanrahan; Michael Lunz; Jeff Strelow; and Tim Vola.

Info (schedule, etc) will be distributed after we receive it – probably not much before a week before the games.

Congrats to all!