Category: Soccer

Monday March 28, 2022 – Update

There will be no swim or track practice this week because of the Brown Deer schools spring break. Hopefully the next week will bring better weather.

There will be soccer practice – indoors at the Safety Academy on Wednesday March 30, 2022, 6:30-8:00pm.

Spring 2022 Updates

Tuesday night should be ok for swimming = remember the swim meet Friday night and no practice on the 29th.

Wednesday night for SOCCER should be ok as it’s indoors.

Wednesday night for TRACK is iffy = weather may be a problem. Call the hotline 414-327-1016 before you come. 

Soccer 2022

Soccer begins Wednesday March 16th – 6:30-8:00pm at the Milwaukee Safety Academy.

Spring Sports Update -Monday, February 14, 2022

Swim, Soccer and Track

Main disclaimer.   COVID numbers rise and fall and COVID protocols are still in place.  We follow SOWI, governmental and facility guidelines for practices and gatherings.  We plan on starting these three sports, but cannot guarantee that the sports will last the full season or not go back and forth for weekly practices.  We hope we will continue to be on the decreasing COVID numbers, but weekly practices could be cancelled at any time – as could the entire season like the basketball season = don’t like being so pessimistic, but we face the COVID problem daily.

Basic guideline – no spectators allowed at any practice site, elsewhere in/at facility should be ok.  Masks – not possible for swimming, and probably on/off at other practices.

IMPORTANT:  vaccination verification will be required as will the two forms for COVID-19 and Communicable Disease.  The two forms are attached to this email* and the online link for the SOWI vaccination verification is here.  If you have already done these, you do not have to do it again – once they are done, the information is on file and doesn’t have to be redone each sport season.  If you need help submitting your vaccination card, contact Linda.  If you need print copies of the two forms, contact Linda.

If you plan on competing in track, swimming or soccer, keep reading.  First = practices will be open only to ATHLETES PLANNING ON COMPETING IN THAT SPORT.  With rules on numbers, spacing, and activities, no participants this year.  Please let Kevin and/or Linda know which sport you are planning on this spring.  If you are not going to do a sport this spring, we would also appreciate hearing that.  If you plan on swimming, tell us soon.  If you plan on soccer or track please tell us by March 8.

All the information on each sport below is based on good COVID numbers.  Emails will be sent out and the weekly information will also be on the NSSO Hotline – 414-327-1016. 

Soccer – we plan on starting Wednesday March 16 with indoor practices at the Milwaukee Safety Academy, 6:30-7:30pm.  Weekly practices will be on Wednesday’s, same time; we won’t know until later when we actually go outside to Brown Deer High/Middle School grounds.  At this time, we will be doing soccer skills only, no team activities are yet allowed.  We won’t know the full season until and unless there are changes in that.  If it is just skills all season, we do not know what, if any, competition will be held.  If there is team play, there will be a competition in May – info will be out later and we may adjust the length of each practice.

Track –we plan on starting Wednesday March 16 at Brown Deer High/Middle School (BDHS) – WEATHER PERMITTING as always, we do live in Wisconsin and decent track weather has been known to make it’s first appearance in late July.  While all sport practices are weather dependent (snow, sleet, etc can cancel even an indoor practice), sports outdoors get hit the worst. So historically, we recommend paying attention to the weather and checking weekly – and continue to recommend that.   All practices will be at BHDS on Wednesday’s same time excluding Wednesday March 30 (spring break).  Practice for track is 6:30-7:30pm.

Swim – we are scheduled to start at Brown Deer High/Middle School (BDHS) on Tuesday, February 22nd.   Practice will be 6:30-8:00pm.  At this time, we are able to use the locker rooms, but BDHS could change that at any time, as well as change their own COVID protocols.  Practices will be every Tuesday same time at BDHS except Tuesday, March 29 (spring break).

Thanks to all for your patience as we work through this pandemic and the havoc it is creating in our lives.

‘Please send these two completed and signed forms to Linda – either email or regular mail. I will then keep my records and forward them to state.  Thanks.     Linda Brothen, 3131 S. 77th St., Milwaukee  53219; 414-550-5357;

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