Vincent High School

7501 N. Granville Road 53224 (91st & Calumet)


8:00am – 8:00pm

Come on out and cheer on our teams. Concessions by NSSO available.

HOOP THERE IT IS = Arrive by 8:30am.

Games are at 9:00am (Court 2 vs 8-11 WHS Gold), and 11:00am (Court 1 OR Court 2 vs 8-42 Heat OR

8-27 SC Bulls)

DANCING DINOS =Arrive by 11:30am.

Games are at 12:00noon (Court 3 vs 5-04 Door County Tigers) and 2:00pm (Court 3 OR Court 4 vs

8-42 TM Bucks OR 8-28 OZ Owls)

FLYING SQUIRRELS = Arrive by 12:30pm.

Games are at 1:00pm (Court 4 vs 8-27 SC Badgers) and 3:00pm (Court 3 OR Court 4 vs 8-42 TM Jaguars OR

8-44 Bi-County Wild Cats)

DYNAMITE =Arrive by 4:30pm.

Games are at 5:00pm (Court 2 vs 8-27 SC Bucks) and 7:00pm (Court 1 OR Court 2 vs 8-42 TM Panthers

OR 8-28 OZ Falcons)