NO spectators will be allowed in the building. 

Teams and coaches will enter the building, play their two games and leave the premises.

No opening or awards ceremonies – awards will be distributed later. 

It is planned that the games will be streamed live on the Sting website =


Warriors – 1st game starts 8:45am; 2nd start time is 9:30am; game 1 on Court 7; second game either Court 4 (championship) or Court 7 (Consolation)

Cindy Bentley, Yan Chen, Cathy Hanin, Carrie Krutina, Michael Lunz, Jack Madlung, Kim Raatz, Jeff Strelow, Leacondra Turner.

North Stars – 1st game starts 10:30am; 2nd start time is 11:15am; game 1 on Court 7; second game either Court 4 (championship) or Court 7 (Consolation)

John Avery, Gina Giacobassi, Klaudia Hoar, John Jansen, Gregory Jones, Walter Lanier, Katie Muench, Jacob Nowak, Zindzi Wynn-Beavers

Spikers – 1st game starts 9:15am; 2nd start time is 10:45am.  Both games on Court 5.  This is a 3-team division;

Craig Becker, Stephanie Becker, Christine Cherne, Geoff Coleman, Andrew Falek, Tim Kelly, Jeremy Krutina, Molly Teitgen