We are proud of all of our team players and the sportsmanship they all showed in Sunday’s regional tournament.  Congratulations to all.

Three teams are advancing to the Sectional on March 17th at Carthage College the- Barracudas, Shooting Stars and Sting Rays.

Practice info:

NO further practices for the Chargers, including no practice tomorrow night.

Practices will continue for the Barracudas, Sting Rays and Shooting Stars = HOWEVER – CALL THE HOTLINE TOMORROW NIGHT.  IF IT IS REALLY 20 below wind chill or even close, we may cancel practice.  The information will not be on the hotline until close to 5pm, so call before you come.

NO further practices for the Fire Crackers, including no practice this coming Wednesday.

Last practice for the Red Raiders will be this coming Wednesday – unless we get another round of bad weather; all too often this year.