2021 – 2022 Season

As with everything else – all information is changeable due to changes in COVID protocols followed by SOWI (Special Olympics Wisconsin).  SOWI can make changes on a weekly basis.  MOST IMPORTANT RECENT CHANGE – ALL ATHLETES PARTICIPATING IN BASKETBALL THIS YEAR ARE REQUIRED TO BE COVID VACCINATED AND SEND IN THE VERIFICATION TO THE SOWI STATE OFFICE.

    We plan to start team basketball practices – Monday and Wednesdays –Dec. 6, Dec 8, Dec. 13, Dec. 15.  No practices for the holidays and we will resume in January – further info later.  Practices will be at the Police Academy, 6:30-8:00pm.

                  Athletes should come to one practice a week – not both practices – choose one night a week and please let us know whether Mondays or Wednesdays work best for you for these practice sessions.  Let us know 1st and 2nd choices as we may not be able to accommodate everyone on the same night and would adjust for numbers.  Remember that the choice for the practice for those first two weeks does NOT mean you would be practicing the same day as a Monday vs Wednesday practice night will depend on each team assignment.

                   We will NOT be breaking into teams until January following the most current SOWI COVID protocols in-place.  Teams may not be the same as last year as we might have to mix players up depending on who and how many returning and new athletes register to play.  ONLY ATHLETES WHO HAVE COMPLETED THEIR VACCINATION VERIFICATION WILL BE ALLOWED TO PLAY IN JANUARY and for the rest of the season.  We will not put together teams and then have to change them because of invalid athletes.  To help us plan, it would be preferable if everyone submitted the vaccination verification before the end of 2021.

                   At this time, masks will be required and the no spectator policy is still in effect.

                   We would appreciate hearing from ALL athletes who have played in prior years or who haven’t played, but are interested in doing so.  Not all athletes may choose to return yet and it would help us to know ahead of time who is or is not interested. Please email LindaB (brothen@uwm.edu) by December 1st so that we can plan accordingly.

    Choices of answer include = Yes, I am interested in Team Basketball; OR Yes, I am interested in basketball even if it is only a skills activity; OR No, I am not interested if basketball is only a skills activity; OR No, I am not planning on returning to any basketball activity this year.

    I’m including a link to the “Special Olympics Wisconsin Vaccine Verification” site.  A photo or scan of your vaccination card will be required.  It’s a relatively easy form with fill in the blank lines and it is the only way to file the information.  Required info includes your name, participant type, date of birth, local program (8-02 North Suburban), and vaccination info (some are drop down menus). It also asks for an email address, but that is not a required field.  Don’t forget to hit “submit.”

    It is possible that the vaccination verification requirement will be extended to other sports.  So even if you do not plan on doing basketball, it wouldn’t hurt to file your form to be ready for whatever sport you do next.

                   Those athletes who have not yet signed the COVID and Communicable Disease (CD) forms will be required to sign before practicing even in December.  If you’ve already done them, you do not need to do them again – one form covers all sports seasons. Also – if you don’t have a current medical, please make sure you get that filled out and turned in.  Please return the COVID and CD forms to Linda.

                   We hope that the regular Basketball Skills program, depending on SOWI COVID Protocols will start in January and we will be asking who is planning that activity in 2022.  Vaccination will be required.